About PritneyShop Software

SendPro by Pitney Bowes emerges as a noteworthy contender in the Multi Carrier Shipping Software space with its unique blend of shipping services and financial management tools. As businesses seek to streamline their operations, SendPro offers a comprehensive suite that not only aids in logistics but also in the financial aspects of shipping—a duality that is quite beneficial for users looking to consolidate their tools.

The platform's interface is designed for accessibility, enabling businesses of all sizes to navigate the complexities of multi-carrier shipping with relative ease. The integration of discounted shipping rates is a standout feature, particularly the ability to save up to 88% off UPS rates when creating a free UPS account through PitneyShip® software. This level of discount is substantial and can be a game-changer for businesses looking to reduce operational costs. Moreover, the guide provided to navigate USPS shipping label discounts further demonstrates SendPro's commitment to helping users maximize their savings.

SendPro is rebranded as PitneyShip® software, which signifies a fresh and updated approach to their offerings. The introduction of the PitneyShip Cube is particularly innovative—it's the first-ever shipping label printer with a built-in scale, simplifying the process of weighing, printing, and shipping in one fell swoop. This kind of all-in-one solution is indicative of the company's forward-thinking approach, as it seeks to streamline and simplify the shipping process for its users.

In addition to shipping benefits, SendPro's encompassing of financial services is a distinctive edge. The provision of captive financing, postage payments, small business lending, and deposits through Pitney Bowes Financial Services can be enticing for businesses that require robust financial management alongside their shipping operations. It's a holistic approach that acknowledges the intertwined nature of shipping logistics and financial planning.

Customer support and user experience are critical in any software service, and SendPro seems to acknowledge this with a suite of online resources and professional services. The platform offers a blend of articles, case studies, and direct support options that can be invaluable for troubleshooting or optimizing usage. However, the true measure of these services can only be gauged through user experiences, and prospective customers would be wise to seek out independent reviews and testimonials to better understand the level of support provided.

While the platform boasts a range of features, the user interface and experience are just as important. Potential users should consider whether the system's design aligns with their workflow and skill set. For those requiring heavy customization or specific integrations, it's important to delve into the specifics of what SendPro offers in this regard. The platform's capacity to integrate with existing systems and its API capabilities are critical for businesses looking to maintain data integrity and streamline their logistics operations.

In conclusion, SendPro by Pitney Bowes stands out with its dual focus on shipping logistics and financial services. The potential savings on shipping rates, innovative solutions like the PitneyShip Cube, and comprehensive financial services provide a strong foundation for businesses looking to optimize their shipping processes. However, as with any service, it's crucial to evaluate how well it fits with your business needs, existing systems, and whether the support structures in place meet your expectations. An in-depth look at SendPro's offerings in relation to your business objectives will be the ultimate determinant in deciding if this is the right shipping partner for you.

Products and Services

SendPro by Pitney Bowes offers an integrated shipping and financial service solution that combines advanced mailing technology, such as a shipping label printer with a built-in scale, with substantial carrier discounts and a suite of financial services to streamline shipping operations and reduce costs for businesses.

PitneyShip software

This updated version of SendPro Online allows users to manage their shipping and mailing operations with enhanced features. It includes discounts on UPS shipping rates up to 88% when creating a free UPS account through the software.

USPS Shipping Labels

Provides users with a guide to determine eligibility for discounts on USPS shipping labels through Pitney Bowes shipping solutions, making it simple to save on shipping costs.

PitneyShip Cube

A revolutionary shipping label printer with a built-in scale that streamlines the weigh, print, and ship process, potentially increasing efficiency and accuracy for users.

Pitney Bowes Financial Services

Offers a range of financial services including captive financing, postage payments, small business lending, and deposits, serving as a comprehensive financial toolkit alongside shipping software.


  • Offers up to 88% off UPS rates, presenting significant savings for businesses

  • Features like PitneyShip Cube add convenience and efficiency to the shipping process

  • Robust API and integrations automate and integrate fulfillment with existing business systems

  • Provides a wide range of financial services, including small business lending and postage payments


  • The array of services might require a strategic approach to avoid underutilized features

  • Businesses not using UPS as their primary carrier might not benefit as much from the discounts offered

Getting Started

After signing up with SendPro by Pitney Bowes, you'll have access to discounted rates on USPS and UPS shipping services. Their platform, PitneyShip® software, provides a seamless shipping process with integrated financial services. To get started with SendPro, log in or create an account on the Pitney Bowes website. If SendPro doesn't align with your shipping needs, you may find a better fit among the other companies in our rankings.